A Vision of Heb. 13:5
In Hebrews 13:5, You say to let our character be free from the love of money and that we should be content with what we have. If that was all You said, then we would find it hard, if not impossible, to do. But You go on to say that the basis of our ability to live this way comes from believing that You will never leave us, nor will You ever forsake us. This means we can trust You always, no matter what, to give us the money we need and any material thing that would be good for us. This promise and our faith in it gives us the character that is free from the love of money and makes us content with what You have already given us.
You have given some of us a dream and specific goals for the attainment of financial independence. Not some pipe dream or day dream, but a dream founded on the faith You have given us as the substance of the thing we hope for and the evidence of what is not yet a reality, but is on its way. The challenge is to permit you to work through us to accomplish this awesome result and remain free from the love of money simultaneously.
Many times in Your Word You demand we hold seemingly contradictory attitudes simultaneously, such as; 1) to consider ourselves dead and alive at the same time, 2) exalted yet humbled, 3) become victorious through defeat, 4) to be sorrowful, yet rejoicing, 5) to consider ourselves inadequate/helpless/weak, yet believe we are adequate/ powerful and strong, 6) to realize we are worthy, perfect and righteous, yet we are unworthy, imperfect and unrighteous, 7) that we are to cease from our own works, yet labor to enter Your rest, and 8) that You “will and work within us for Your good pleasure; Your grace working through us, yet we work sweat and get tired.
Only by walking in the Spirit, controlled by Him, can we live this amazing, supernatural experience called the Christian life. There is only One who ever lived it in the first place, the Lord Jesus, and He now lives in us. Only by Christ Himself living His Life through our mortal body as a result of us being delivered over to death (2 Cor 4:9-11) can we ever expect to become financially independent and remain free from the love of money. Only as He shows up in and through us, moment-by-moment, will we be able to live a goal-oriented, motivated life of achievement and remain content at the same time.